Last updated on November 4th, 2024 at 06:19 am
Sitting here in the quiet, sipping my morning coffee, I can’t help but reflect on just how much life has changed over the past few years. Change is never easy. In fact, it can be downright terrifying. We often find comfort in routines, in knowing what to expect. But life, as it has a way of doing, threw me some unexpected twists, and I found myself in places I never thought I’d be.
A Time of Uncertainty
In a relatively short span of time, I lost both of my parents, experienced some health setbacks, and watched as the world seemed to spin into chaos. It felt like everything I knew was slipping away. For a while, it was overwhelming. How do you keep moving forward when life feels so uncertain? How do you navigate a world that’s changing faster than you can keep up?
There were moments when it seemed easier to stay where I was, to cling to the familiar. But deep down, I knew that wasn’t what life had in store for me. Change may be scary, but it’s also inevitable. And sometimes, we just have to leap and trust that we’ll land on our feet.

The Gifts Amid the Chaos
Amid all the turmoil, life gave me some of the most precious gifts. I became a grandmother to five beautiful little souls, each one bringing light and laughter into my life. Being a part of their world has been one of the greatest joys, a reminder that even in the hardest times, there is always something wonderful to hold onto.
And then, there was the leap I wasn’t quite expecting. After over 30 years of teaching, I took early retirement—much earlier than planned. It wasn’t an easy decision. Teaching had been such a huge part of my identity, a place where I felt secure and purposeful. Walking away from that stability was scary. What if I wasn’t ready? What if I failed at this new life?
But even though I was taken by surprise, God had other plans. It felt like He was shoving me out of the nest, telling me that it was time to be brave, time to trust that there was something else waiting for me. I didn’t have all the answers, and it was frightening to let go of what I knew, but I knew deep down that this was the right path. I just had to be willing to take that leap of faith.
Finding Myself Again
In the quiet that followed, something incredible happened. I found myself again. With no more lesson plans, no more early morning alarms, I had time to think, to dream, and to rediscover passions I hadn’t fully explored. I had always loved writing, and now I had the space to embrace it wholeheartedly. I became an author, something I had always imagined but never thought possible until now.
Change may have pulled me out of my comfort zone, but it also gave me a new role, a new purpose. Being an author allowed me to create stories that bring warmth and comfort to others, much like the books that helped me through so many difficult times. Writing has become my way of making sense of the world, and in doing so, I’ve found healing.
You Don’t Have to Have It All Figured Out
If there’s one thing I’ve learned through all this, it’s that you don’t have to have it all figured out to make a change. Sometimes, the scariest steps lead to the most rewarding destinations. Life is full of surprises, and while we can’t control everything, we can control how we respond to those changes.
So, if you’re standing at the edge of something new, feeling unsure or afraid, know that it’s okay to feel that way. But also know that there’s beauty in the unknown. You may not have all the answers, but sometimes, just taking the first step is enough. You don’t have to have a perfect plan—just the courage to move forward.
I’m sitting here now, reflecting on a journey I never anticipated, grateful for the changes that, while hard, have brought me to a place of peace and fulfillment. If you’re facing change, embrace it. You never know—you might just find yourself again too.
Let’s Talk!
What’s a leap of faith you’ve taken that turned out to be worth the risk? Whether big or small, I’d love to hear about a time when you faced your fears and chose to grow!